Drivers Beware:
Lumbar Support Can Be Harmful To Your Health!


Just Published!

Dennis Zacharkow's New Book:

Posture Fallacies
Exposing the Harmful Posture Misinformation
Health Professionals and the Internet

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The YogaBack Solution since 1992
Compressed Spine and Protruding Abdomen with Lumbar Support

Did you know that Driving with Lumbar Support...

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Did you know that most Thoracic Supports are
Posture Inhibitors?

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Dennis Zacharkow, PT

Exposing the fallacy of lumbar support, YogaBack™ was developed by former Mayo Clinic physical therapist Dennis Zacharkow - the originator of Sacral-Lower Thoracic Support and author of the classic 1988 textbook Posture: Sitting, Standing, Chair Design & Exercise.

Why "YogaBack Your Posture"? - Because Driving is the #1 Cause of Back Pain & Distorted Posture!

YogaBack Rejuvenates Your Posture as it Drives Away Your Pain, Tension & Fatigue. Plus... YogaBack's Active-Alert Posture Promotes Safer Driving!

Please Note: We do not have online ordering.

By taking orders over the phone, we are able to give you the proper advice on using the YogaBack for optimal results. This advice will differ for various YogaBack applications, such as relieving low back pain driving, solving the headrest problem with new cars, or modifying an office chair.

YogaBack's customer service is the best!

Fastest Way to Order: Call 1-800-SITTING (1-800-748-8464)
or 507-252-9293

When you call, you will speak directly with physical therapist and YogaBack inventor Dennis Zacharkow. Dennis will answer your questions and take your order.

Click here for YogaBack Pricing

See What's Inside YogaBack, click here.

Experience YogaBack's Other Benefits...

Plus... bring your YogaBack when shopping for a new chair.

All site contents are Copyright 2002-2025
The YogaBack Company
P.O Box 9113, Rochester, MN 55903   
1-800-SITTING (1-800-748-8464)


[The YogaBack Company] [The YogaBack for Driving] [ZACKBACK Chair] [Posture Textbook]  
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